Monday, March 8, 2010

God's Love for the Next Generation

S - Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands. ~Deut. 7:9

O - When we love God, and do so by following his commands, then he will continue to love us and bless us. He promises this for me and my children. Remembering Deut. 6:7, I am called upon to "impress" God's commands on my children, helping them to know, love and follow God too.

One of my biggest concerns as I parent is how do I encourage my daughters to love God with their whole beings. I do things to and for my children, trying to teach them God's ways (commandments), but sometimes fail to attribute to God the reason I have done something.

A - Today, I will help my children to understand another of God's commands, as God directs, so they can understand that isn't just Mommy's rule, but something that God directs because he loves us. I will also share with them about God's love for them, reminding them that Jesus' life, death & resurrection are the greatest expressions of God's love for them,

P - Dear God,
Thank you for your promise of love for those that love you. Thank you for loving me & my family so much that you sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Thank you for your new covenant of love and forgiveness through Jesus. I pray that you would touch the hearts of each of my daughters, drawing them to you and into a relationship with you. That they would love you, Lord, and follow your commands. I ask that you would guide me as a parent in helping them to understand and develop their own relationships with you.

God, please use me to share your love today with those around me. Whether at the girls' dance class or the play date we have scheduled or something else. I am available and desiring to share your love. I love you, God. Amen.


  1. M,
    Thanks for your sharing. I too was reminded of a parenting role from Deut 8:5 "Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord God disciplines you."

    The command for us to know deeply "in your heart" that God disciplines us as a loving father. I am seeking to communicate this to my children about the Father's character and live it out as a model for my children too. And to embrace that the Father disciplines me out of his love as well!
    Praying that as I go about my day today that I walk in the security of knowing that my heavenly Father loves me and cares for me. Help me communicate this in my actions and words to those who are very confused about God's character (and do not know this in their heart) because their earthly father failed to model this truth.

  2. S: Mark 15:15 Wanting to satisfy the crowdk, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged and handed him over to be crucified.

    O: Pilate acted to gain the favor of man instead of God. He knew Jesus was innocent. Instead of letting him go, Pilate let his concern over losing his favor and status win out over what he knew was the right and just decision.

    A: I don't want the concern of what other people might think of me to influence my decisions. I want to do what is right in God's eyes and not consider what others might think of my choice. I also want to teach this to my children. I feel like I have an influence on them and hope and pray that the things I teach them about God's commands will stick with them. My confidence in this is high when I am with them, but as they go off to school or play dates I worry that they will make the right choices. I love my kids and feel like they are both loving wonderful people, but I know how hard it can be to resist the temptations of the world and peer pressure.

    P: God, I pray for guidance as a mom. Please give me the right words and actions to help me teach my kids your love and the value in living for your glory, by making the right choices even when its hard. May the desire for favor among men not reign over their (and my) desire for your right and superior favor. I love you Lord God, please help me to love others today and show them your love. Amen
