Monday, March 22, 2010

Revisit what God has done for you.

Scripture: Joshua 12- "These are the kings fo the land whom the Israelites had defeated and whose territory they took over east of the Jordan........thirty-one kings in all."

Observation: Joshua 12 lists all the kings that God delivered over to the Isrealites. It is a revisitation of what God has done for the Isrealites.

Application: Many years ago, Merrilee and I started making a paper chain. On each link of the paper chain we wrote down something God has done to provide for us, or bring us through a difficult time. Periodically, we will get that chain out, read each of the links and sometimes add new links to it. I've recently had a difficult time with my work situation and I think that this is a nudge that I need to get that chain out and look at it again.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the reminders you give us, how much you do help us, or maybe more accurately, carry us through our trials and tribulations. Help me to look back and remember more frequently. Amen.

What ways do you use to revisit what God has done for you?

Bill V


  1. Good question Bill,
    I think i have gone through my journals to remember what God has done. But I don't do it nearly enough. The chain idea is really cool.

    This morning I was once again challenged by the life and spirit of Joshua. At 85 years as wholehearted and vigorous in his willingness to be used by God! (Joshua 14:10-11) What a model. . . He challenges me to get fit spiritually and physically and wholeheartedly follow Christ.

  2. A FB friend whom I have last seen 16 years ago, recently challenged me with a question, "How is your missions call these days?" God has directed Paul and me away from the overseas missions field by Sammy's medical challenges, but His call to follow Him whereever I am at present is still valid for me.

    I have seen Him being faithful to me through that road to and in the mission field, and that reinforces my faith that He is with me now, too.
    Sometimes God reminds us about what is important through Christian friends. Am I encouraging my sisters and brothers in Christ by reminding them of what God has done in their lives? When we think of God's answers to our prayers, we come to say, "That's our loving God!"

  3. I don't have a chain either, but it's a neat idea. We find ourselves frequently reviewing what God has done for us as we seek his direction for our future. It really makes no earthly sense to continue to live on a retirement fixed income in an expensive place like Redmond. But, as we review what God has done and how little of our own planning has gone into our journey, we are brought to the conclusion that God led us here and until he leads us out, this is where we will remain.
    Caleb has long been one of my favorite characters and more so now as I get closer and closer to his age. What a blessing to be 85 and still vigorous. I focused today on Joshua 14:8,9 & 14 which all speak of Caleb following the Lord his God wholeheartedly. I pray I can live for the Lord my God so that can be said of me.
    Now, a story. A couple weeks ago a new neighbor from down the street whom I had not met stopped by to get approval for installing a new roof. (I am responsible for Architecture Control in our Homeowners Association.) After dispensing with the business I felt led to strike up a more personal conversation with him and to share Christ’s love with him. Although not convinced yet of the truth of the gospel, he was eager to talk and shared some of his concerns. I hadn’t seen him again until this evening. As we drove past his home he was out in the yard and invited us in to meet his wife. Here’s the “divine appointment” part of the story. When his wife saw Anita it was like two longtime friends meeting. Anita knew her from shopping in a place where she works and from her coming into the classroom where Anita was teaching with her second grade son in the class. The door is wide open for a close relationship with a new neighbor who needs to know Jesus and who said his wife is a believer. I plan to invite them to Easter Sunday service and into our home soon. I talked to Sunny this morning about the youth group and am praying their son will be interested in checking it out.

  4. After hearing Ray tell Sunday morning of sharing God’s love, I reflected on my week; remembering opportunities I had to show Christ’s love to those outside our church.
    On Thursday I met and worked with a new young teacher. I recognized she was a Christian and that we shared spiritually. It was an opportunity to show love to those who belong to the family of believers. Gal 5:10 – “Therefore as we have opportunity let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”
    On Friday a Vietnamese friend I stopped by to see at her work wanted to know how to translate from her Vietnamese scriptures the passage on the fruits of the Spirit in Gal 5:22 and I Cor 13:4 – 8. I was glad I had my Bible in the car so I could write them out for her.
    On Saturday God gave me opportunity to visit and share spiritually with one of the trainers at the gym. God is healing her from a divorce ten years ago and she has come to personal faith in Christ about a year ago. I now feel a deeper love to pray for her and to pray for her high school age son as he searches to know God. I hope I can continue to encourage her in Christ’s love as I see her in the future.

  5. Thanks, Bill. I don't have a hand written chain but I am frequently reflecting back through the chain of events in my life and then God reminds me of His faithfulness,His plans and purposes. ( Remembering "It's not about me." From Rick Warren's book "Purpose Driven Life") Boy, I am thankful for that otherwise I get in the pit of dispair rather quickly. Sometimes I stay there too long before I let God get my attention.


  6. Bill, It is a great idea to keep a list of the Lord's Blessings. It is really important to take a break from the daily rush to savor what God has done for us. My mind tends to focus on the problems and frustrations of life, and get stressed out too often. So I often pray for God to calm my spirit. -Dan SHoe
