Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Song for the Oppressed

S: Psalm 69:30-33
I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.This will please the LORD more than an ox or a bull with horns and hoofs. Let the oppressed see it and be glad; you who seek God, let your hearts revive. For the LORD hears the needy, and does not despise his own that are in bonds.

O: In this psalm David expresses his struggle with being unjustly pursued and ridiculed by his enemies. He also admitted to his own folly and wrongs (v.5). He spends most of the psalm wrestling in prayer through his feelings of oppression until he finally gets to a place where he decides to praise God with a song. He doesn't decide to simply offer another animal sacrifice - something that can be done without trusting in God - but rather a song that reflects thanksgiving in the midst of oppression.... a song that revives his heart.... a song that gladdens those who are oppressed and needy.

A: We have an enemy who pursues us relentlessly. An enemy as fierce as a roaring lion. How does he seek to steal the song from our hearts? In all sorts of crafty ways - big ways and little ways. Watch out especially for the "little" ways (cf. "Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards" Song of Solomon 2:15) that spoil things. I was tripped up last night in my spirit because I couldn't find something - a notebook that I used to log some important information. Where was it?! Who took it?! The kids? My wife? Why does she always put things where I can't find it? Is she trying to torture me?! :) Seems funny as I write this, but I was really upset by this little incident. Of course we eventually found it, but I felt defeated (because I was defeated). I prayed this morning and owned up to my folly and wrongdoing in this incident, but God also wants me to know that there is an enemy who seeks to steal the song from my heart... a song that God loves to hear over and over again. A song of praise and thanksgiving to Him. A song that invites the oppressed & needy to join in and praise God together.

P: Dear Father,
You desire more than just sacrificing things or doing religious works. You want a heart of singing from your children. Songs of praise and thanksgiving. Yet we too often find ourselves in a place where there is no song and no gratitude. Draw us to pray to you and express the emotions we are struggling with. Bring us to a place of renewed trust and awareness. Deliver us from the evil one and his crafty tactics. Put a new song in our hearts that not only frees us from our oppression, but invites others into this life of praise and thanks to You our Creator.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


  1. Yes Sunny! Just like you, I want to have a song of gratitude and praise to my Lord everyday at any time. Moreover, I would like to remain clean of transgressions as long as possible. Today as I read the scriptures, I was struck by the fact that the sin of only one man caused the dead of tens in battle. Also I was impressed by the fact that any immoral "christian" should be spelled from the fellowship (not the church!); that is, we should refrain ourselves even from eating with him if he persist in doing wrong. Therefore, my application for today is about being aware of any sin that I might commit and never minimize it. Sin is big deal and I need to remember this always! Any "little" sin made Christ suffer indescribable pain in the cross. To minimize sin is to belittle Jesus sacrifice. In awe I want to live today! Giving glory to the one who took my place!

  2. Thanks Sunny! I too let "lost notebooks" steal my joy and strain my relationship with Anita.
    Thanks to Nad as well. She summarized my thoughts from today's reading very well, especially to never minimize any sin even when I think it is small. Christ died because of those sins as well.

  3. I really enjoyed reading everyone's sharing today. Sunny your words painted a beautiful picture in my mind.

    S: Joshua 7:12 ...I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.

    O: One man sinned, but God denied all the Israelites until they consecrated themselves and rid themselves of the sinner.

    A: I too was in awe of one man's sins causing so much pain to his fellow brothers. I pictured what a sad and disappointing day that must have been for the Israelites who went into battle that day, and for Achan who caused others to pay dearly for his sin. What a reminder not to surround myself in sin, and to not assume my sin will only impact me. God was sure that others would break his commands if just one person was allowed to go free for his sins. This both impressed on me the significance of all my sins to God and also how important it is to distance my heart from the sin's of others. It can be challenging to love others and try to stay in touch with the sinner's in our lives, and yet keep a healthy distance.

    P: God please guard my heart while still allowing me to reach out to those around me. Help me to be ever aware of even the "little" sins in my daily life. As I strive to be more like you, and read in your word, you deep love for me is overwhelming. Thank you God.

  4. Annie I like very much how you explain how important is to distance our heart from the sin's of others. The separation between us and the sinner is from the sin not the person. :)
