Wednesday, November 24, 2010

S.O.A.P. --What's Important

S: Matt 17:4 Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters-- one for you, one for Moses, and on for Elijah."

O: Why did Peter say this? Was he nervous? Was he not understanding fully what was happening? It seems silly for him to think that Jesus would be concerned about shelters. But Peter was human and I think Peter's reaction illustrates how far we can be from God's reality and God's priorities. I can only suppose that Peter was thinking of earthly things--comfort, seeking favor by making himself useful--but God interrupts while he is speaking to Jesus and tells him what is important--"Listen to him!"

A: I often get caught, like Peter, in tasks for my own design. These tasks may be of value, but their true purpose is to make me feel useful to God. What God really desires and deserves is that I simply listen to him. Part of the listening is having a daily devotion, but that happens early in my day and often gets forgotten during the tasks of the day. How can I make sure I'm listening the rest of the day? some ideas
  • write my SOAP verse on a piece of paper and put it in my pocket
  • read over my journal entries during my lunch break
  • use my P&W card as a bookmark in whatever book I am currently reading
  • put the P&W prayer someplace visible in my car so that I am reminded to pray when I get in (some of my best prayer time seems to come when I'm driving---don't know why)

P: Father God, thank you for the example of Peter. I ask for forgiveness for the many times that my priorities are not the same as yours. Help me to remember that what matters most is people finding you. Help me see and hear your will and give me the courage to obey. Amen

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